Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Independence Day Miracle!!

My laptop is working!!! Yes I know I am really camping it out here in Africa Balaguer style. I got my laptop from a friend of our training manager who said he didn't do anything but look my laptop is on and I am posting a blog!!!

I am not really sure what I have told you about but we are back at training after visiting our permanent site. I will be in the north above the red line. I think I heard on the news tonight that I will be living in the poorest region. I will be living in a town so I will not be living in a mud hut or anything like that. They have set us up in really nice locations. A few other volunteers and I took a kombi (14 passenger van) to get back to training on Saturday... there were four people two guys and two girls in the back seat of this vehicle smaller than a mini van three seater. NOT COMFORTABLE at all... one person had to be leaning froward the entire time so we would all switch off . This went on from 10:30 am until we arrived at training around 6 pm!! fun adventure the other girl took pictures so I will try and get those soon.

We are very lucky... the weather is starting to get cold. I had to wear my fleece the past couple mornings, but by the time we get out of language (about 10 am) it is warm enough to enjoy the sun. Some of the places have AC but it is so nice outside you don't have to use it yet!! My mom says it is the start of winter!!

Let me tell you a little but about my days in Namibia... I wake between 6:00 and 6:30 to roosters outside my bedroom window (much more reliable than an alarm clock) then I go to the bathroom and take a bucket bath, which I have now mastered! Then I enjoy a nice bowl of corn flakes with milk (cold, unlike the warm Namibians prefer). I wait for the kombi to pick me up while my dog is jumping and playing with me. She is a year old so big but still thinks shes a puppy. One day she chased the Kombi down the street following us to the center. Once at training we sing in the morning, language for two hours, a cross cultural session until about 1 o clock then we eat lunch, usually a peanut butter and apricot jam sand. with an apple, if we have time we walk to Spar (a grocery store) and see my mom or buy a coke (so good here in Namibia)then its back to training where we have technical or cross cultural for a few hours then finish out the day with language for an hour and a half!! Once I get home I help my sister or my mom make dinner usually chicken in a sauce or beef and always one of the following rice, pasta, or yisima (corn starch and water) it really is good once you get used to it. Then we all watch Camila together! It is a horrible but addictive show that is really in Spanish but dubbed over in English so the mouths don't match the words!!! Well that is my typical day I know you are all jealous of the wonderful days in training. This weekend is marks the end of our first month here!! I can't believe it has already been a month... crazy !! Well I need to go to bed the roosters are going to start soon!!!

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