Thursday, November 5, 2009

Is That Smell Coming From Me?

I was at Etosha National Park with my host organization and while we were taking a break from the game drive the kids got to go into the pool. There were tourists sitting in the pool and asked us "where are these kids from" which started a conversation on everything! Finally, the conversation is over and I stand up to walk away. They see my massive dirt stain on the seat of my pants and asked me what happend. Not thinking how dirty I would sound I said, "I got a ride in a dirty bakkie a few weeks ago and I haven't washed my clothes since then" They looked completely grossed out!!

I noticed a change in myself right then... when I was at home I would wear something once maybe for a few hours and I would throw it in the dirty clothes pile. It was such a waste of washing powder and water. Now I can go at least two weeks with out washing anything. I do the smell test. If I can smell myself I know its time to do laundry :) kidding... well kind of!

The weather is so hot now that I feel like I can never stay clean. The minute I get out of the shower and get dressed I have already started sweating. Now it is just normal feeling for me to never feel clean. Now I know what it feels like to be the smelly kid.

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