Monday, October 19, 2009

T.I.N. (This is Namibia)

So I love Namibia and my town and I think some of the things that make me love it so much are its little quirks...

It is respectful and just a common practice that someone does not walk in your property with out your permission. In theory its a great idea, but in reality you have someone standing out side your fence yelling your name until you answer and allow them to come to your door. I first experienced this when I was with my host family still and my brothers friend came over when I was the only one home. I was sleeping in my bed and I was woken to a little boy yelling "Chief" for a while until I realized that he would just keep yelling there until I went and told him no one was home but me and then he went home. It does not happen all the time if you are family with the person or don't have a fence they just come to your house and knock on the door or yell "Morokeni"(in my experience). I have learned that if someone is yelling for me I will go right away or they will keep yelling at me they will not just leave and go home.

Honking is the new Wave
There are many taxis in town and they are constantly looking for people to get in the taxi. I walk to my school and home everyday and everyday I get at least two horn honks. I used to make the mistake and try to ignore them, until I learned that they will keep honking until they either pass you or you turn and shake your head no. Sometimes it makes me laugh like today a taxi passed me a laid on the horn and I turned around to see a full taxi. So basically he was just honking to be honking!

I think the most special thing in Namibia that I appreciate the most is peoples kindness. You will constantly meet people who greet you or offer to help you. As I said earlier I walk home from my school every afternoon and at least once a week I have someone (private car or taxi) pull over and offer to give me a free ride into town. Then they thank me for working in the schools and drop me off at my destination. It just makes me think when I was home if I saw someone walking and was heading the same direction would I have stopped for them and given them a ride? I like to think I would, but I know I was usually too busy to even stop and look at what was going on around me.

Global Warming?
It is SOOO hot here! Today was a cool day so I am not as worn out as I was before. The Namibia sun is BRUTAL!!! I don't understand when I see kids playing soccer in the middle of the day I try to hide in the shade or by a fan whenever I can. The rainy season is supposed to start in the end of Nov. however I am pretty sure the weather is all screwed up this year. Winter was colder than in the past, the wind didn't come until a month late, and the rain started in Sept. granted its not everyday, but it rained at least 3 days last week. Even some of my co-workers do not understand it ... who knows what the actual rainy season will bring!

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