Monday, January 11, 2010

Home for the Holidays

So I survived the long trek home and back... even with the week of travel it took to get there and back I am so glad I got to go home and see my family. It was a crazy, busy,relaxing, fun time with my family and friends and I would not have wanted to spend my holidays any other way. I did a lot of traveling around FL and made it up to South Carolina. The weather was cold but I have already forgotten how cold since it is hot and humid back on this side! Tank tops and skirts are back again! A lot of people went out of their way to make a special trip to see me and I can not express how grateful I am to those people. I am so lucky to have such great friends who I love unene!! I did learn when I was home a few things... 1. people can not read Rukwangali (roo-kwan-gal-e) so I am going to phonetically spell out my words from now on so hopefully this will help you. 2. Now matter how far or long I have been away some things will never change. 3. The Beer is so much better on that side!!

Some fun events that made going home special...

1. Getting off the plane to my dad telling me I need to keep up with the music scene because there are some good songs that I am missing!

2. My first American beer at Sticky Fingers and me grossing my family out at the table when I licked Ketchup from the table...some things in life you just don't waste!

3. My "last" Christmas with the Cherrys... I promise you will get a year off from me NEXT year!

4. My friends from GA driving 4 hours (both ways!) to come visit me for a few hours. Charlotte, Jenny, Kristen, Stephen and Mrs.Young...That meant the world to me to get to see you guys and I can not thank you enough. You guys are the best friends a girl could ask for!

5. All the yummy home cooked food (thanks Aunt Gladney, Maria, Mom and Jenn)I think I will have to fast for the next two weeks to detox from American cooking!

6. Dinner at Dragonfly (YUM!) with some of my college friends and my favorite old students! THANKS FOR COMING OUT GUYS I LOVED SEEING YOU!!

7. Jenn putting the bag of marshmallows on the oven and them getting melted to the door!!! CLASSIC!

8. Mom giving me a big butt jar of change she has collected with Maria for the past year... thanks for the $88 bucks please keep collecting!

9. Seeing Mimi in the nursing home looking happy and alert! She remembered me, always a plus!

10. Sitting on the couch with Amanda, Justin and Chris cracking me up... man I miss long practice days with you guys!

11. Watching a live GATOR FOOTBALL GAME!!!!

12. The oyster roast and starting the fire "all by myself" (the logs were wet it was not my fault!)

13. Being able to watch Urban Meyer change his mind 50 times on LIVE TV!!

14. Spending time with the Castanoody's in the car... "He is a D something, something K" - Johnny "I see" -Jamie :) "You are getting my daughter is going to listen to Bob Marley, that is scary" - Jamie "That is great"- Me

15. Not being able to stay up until midnight on New Years... WOW that will have to change I am only 23!!

16. Drinking FIREFLY when ever I got the chance!! YUM,YUM,YUM!!

17. Driving a car to Gainesville for the day all by myself!!

18. Eating everything on my "I want to eat when I get home list" (thanks for everyone who helped me complete that list)

19. Ash and Pete's wedding @ the library

20. Spending my last few minutes with my family in a circle of rocking chairs just laughing and enjoying our time together!

It was a great trip home and it was a nice break and really helped me to appreciate my job and life here in Namibia. Again thanks to everyone who I saw and made some more great memories for me to think about on those lonely days over this side.

Thanks even more to MOM and JB for getting me home.. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!


Jenn Parvin said...

Look I am reading it!! Resolotion for 2010!! It was great to have you you!

Kim said...

haha I am proud of you JB glad its on your bookmarks now! my new years resolution is to give up cokes!

Anika said...

I'm glad you had fun at home but I'm so so so glad you are back boyfriend!

Love you :)